Key Factors In Creating A Control Room Video Wall

Video Control Room

Video wall technology is one of the most exciting communications developments of the decade. This technology has experienced huge popularity growth mainly because there is just so much to love about video walls. Their flexibility, clarity of picture, and dynamic presentation abilities are just a few of the benefits they bring to a space. As a series of seamlessly overlapped displays that are controlled by one processor, this technology is exceedingly intricate, yet extremely powerful. Utilized in higher education, the military, and lobbies of executive office suites, their applications are nearly limitless.

One of the current prevalent uses of video walls is the 24/7 control room. Their functionality, ergonomic design, and capability to share critical data quickly and accurately make them a must-have in today’s decision-making environments. However, not all video walls are the same. Some are created to dazzle and entertain, and others, like those needed in control rooms, should offer more practical features. When looking to purchase and install this technology in your control room, there are several key factors to consider.

From a financial standpoint, you need to ask some important questions. First, what is the life-span of the wall? This technology is currently advancing at a rate faster than the degradation of the typical control room housing, so you must consider the protection of your investment. The best approach, then, should include investigation of longevity issues such as maintenance and service policies, as well as upgrade options.

While longevity is an important consideration, it is only one portion of the TCO, or total cost of ownership. Other significant features to research are power consumption, cooling requirements, and reliability. Your video wall will be in operation 24/7, and thus, will require sizeable capital, so it’s important to make the smartest choice to preserve that investment.

Less directly related to financial concerns are questions of quality and functionality. Color quality and brightness are paramount in a control room setting. Timely educated decisions depend on clarity of text and images. Sharpness of display improves legibility, both close-up and at a distance. When deciding which system to use, you’ll want to investigate issues such as pixel size and resolution, relative to the planned positioning of your wall.

At PixelFLEX ®, our process for your video wall begins with your vision. We offer creative solutions to your unique projects, and we want a partnership to last the long haul. As technologies change, you can trust that our relationship with you stays strong.

To learn more about PixelFLEX’s products and services, visit us online today!