Are you looking for ways to upgrade your workplace, enhancing the form and function of your office space? Modern-day offices are evolving and changes in technology have made it easier than ever to transform your space to fit the identity of your company.With the rise of remote and hybrid work models, it is imperative that your office provides more than just a place to work.  

Digital displays for your office give you an opportunity to transform your space, modernizing your aesthetic and enhancing your functionality at the exact same time. There are a lot of options for digital displays, but LED walls create a dynamic first impression and integrate the highest quality video communication options. Before we dive into the different ways that LED walls can be utilized, let’s look at what makes LED walls stand out from the other digital display options. 

What are LED walls?  

LED walls are created by combining panels of LEDs to create a seamless high-definition display. A light-emitting diode (LED) is a semiconductor device that emits visible light when an electric current passes through it. Since it uses much less power compared to most other light elements, it is extremely efficient and has a much longer lifespan. Unlike incandescent lamps, LEDs have no filaments that can burn out or fail. 

Why use LED walls? 

You only have one chance at making a first impression, and LED walls are bold statement pieces that make a memorable impact. LED walls are custom designed to bring your company’s vision to life, and the durability and adaptability keeps your space looking brand new for years. Customers and employees alike will be invigorated every day from the moment they walk into your business.  


There are multiple options when it comes to digital displays for your office, including LED screens, liquid crystal display (LCD) screens, and projectors. These three options are frequently compared against each other and there are pros and cons for each depending on what you would like to accomplish. 

For office spaces, the choice typically comes down to LED vs. LCD due to the logistical constraints of projectors. In terms of performance and functionality, LED walls outperform LCD screens in brightness, resolution, customization, and seamless design. For many years, the up-front cost favored LCD screens enough that other factors were less of a consideration. As the gap in price has decreased, the long-term viability and value of LED screens has dramatically increased, mainly due to these three details: 

  • Longer Lifespan – LED screens last 2-3x longer than LCD screens  
  • Lower Maintenance Costs – Issues can be fixed with on-site module or bulb repair vs. Sending LCDs off-site for repair 
  • Lower Energy Costs – Brighter output even when running at less than 100% power 

Over the lifetime of the installation, LED walls provide the winning combination of exceptional performance and superior long-term value. Utilizing LED walls and screens is a great choice, but how can your space benefit from their addition?  

4 Ways to Elevate Your Corporate Office with LED 

1. Improve Brand Awareness

Your office environment speaks volumes to your employees and customers about your brand, culture, and values. Do you value innovation, creativity, and energy? How about collaboration, communication, and dependability? Your office space can either add to or detract from the kind of environment that you are creating.  

You can enhance your environment by creating promotional displays with dynamic graphics to show off what makes your brand unique. LED video walls provide an avenue to showcase your story in real-time for employees and customers. These stories can be crafted to express and accentuate your company’s brand voice, making your culture and values clear while helping your brand stand out from the crowd. 

2. Create Long Lasting First Impressions

When a customer walks in your front door, is there something that draws their attention? That first moment is critical in shaping the rest of the customer experience, so ideally it is aligned with your brand and culture. The best way to create a lasting first impression that connects with your brand identity is to make a bold statement that can’t be missed.  

Custom designed large-scale LED screens provide a ‘wow’ factor that visitors will not be able to forget. The design and personalized content that can be communicated is limitless, with practical applications including greeting customers, providing brand information and personalizing visitor experience. 

3. Engage Employees

The benefits of utilizing LED screens expand beyond customer facing initiatives. Your employees are a major part of presenting your company’s culture to the world, but it can be challenging to connect all your people to your brand. Investing in LED technology in areas like employee break rooms allows employees at all levels of the company to be integrated into the company culture and brand messaging.  

You can exhibit upcoming team events, highlight team members, and more to boost employee morale. Internal communications can be broadcasted and KPIs that keep team members up-to-date and excited about projects can be displayed in a fashion that is engaging and easy to access.

4. Enhance Collaboration

LED solutions for remote work can create and personalize your interactions. The ability to utilize a single installation for a variety of situations enhances your company’s functionality and adaptability. 

A video wall in a boardroom or meeting area becomes the definitive centerpiece, elevating in-person and virtual conferences with remarkable visuals while allowing clients to communicate with hybrid workforces in profound ways. You can use the same LED wall in a meeting space for an employee brainstorming meeting which will allow you to display multiple screens and ideas at once and create a more interactive opportunity for collaboration.   

Are you ready to elevate your space?  

PixelFLEX LED experts are ready to help create the perfect digital display to meet your needs and exceed your expectations. If you’d like to learn more about how PixelFLEX and your team can collaborate on enhancing your office space, schedule a consultation here. 

It can be challenging to capture the attention of your customers and visitors. LED walls can help. These large scale, high-resolution digital displays make an impression that’s difficult to ignore. But an LED wall is a significant investment, so savvy buyers are seeking ways to lower costs without sacrificing quality or wasting time throughout the buying process.

Quality, Timeline, and Budget Affect One Another

The Project Management Triangle, also known as the Triple Constraint or Iron Triangle, has been used to represent the constraints of project management since at least the 1950s. In language simple enough to fit on a T-shirt, it can be summarized as “Fast, cheap, or good…pick any two.” When it comes to LED walls, that philosophy implies that if you want an inexpensive display quickly, it won’t be of good quality. And if you want high quality at a low price, you’ll have to wait. In reality, this model is a bit too simplistic, since these three factors are not measured as absolute “good” or “bad” choices, but on a sliding scale. All three considerations are important, so finding the right solution for your unique situation is a balancing act.

Balancing the Three Sides of the Triangle

If you’re operating under both a tight timeline and budget, don’t expect your supplier to design a high-end LED wall for you. Lead times on large LED displays are typically much longer than other types, and high-resolution displays are obviously more expensive. If you have a longer timeline and a more generous budget, however, you have more options available to you, depending on the size, content type, and installation desired. If you want high-quality with a quick turnaround, however, be prepared to pay the big bucks. If you don’t have a budget in mind or have no idea what the associated costs might be, have a conversation with your supplier. They can help establish a theoretical budget, the details of which can be finessed as your needs become more evident. Working from the timeline and budget side can help point you toward the best quality solution for your unique situation.

Maximize Your LED Wall Budget

Like anything, you get what you pay for with digital displays. Manufacturers continue to push the envelope in an effort to create an ever-finer display. The lower the pixel pitch, the closer individual pixels are to each other and the higher the resolution. A decade ago, 10mm to 20mm pitches were standard, but today pixel pitches of one millimeter or less are not uncommon. Before choosing a high-resolution LED wall, a buyer should consider how they will use the display. First, consider how far away viewers will typically be. A good rule of thumb is to multiply the pixel pitch times ten to get the approximate viewing distance in feet. Any higher resolution would largely be a waste of money. Also, consider buying older technology. What was deemed high-resolution a year or two ago may be regarded as “old hat” by techies today, but may be perfectly acceptable for your use – and sold at a big discount. Finally, look for manufacturers who are creating standardized displays that allow you to easily upgrade in the future as more powerful technology becomes more affordable.

Consider the Following When Budgeting Your Project:

  • Time affects everything – Leave yourself enough time to do thorough research so you can buy the right product for your solution. A lot of LED manufacturers can have lead times that vary anywhere from 30 to 90 days. If you need to rush, additional charges may be incurred.
  • What are you trying to accomplish? – This seems like a fairly simple question. However, it can influence the product, pitch, and other processing variables you choose, which, in turn, significantly affect the price of your LED video display solution. Do you really need the highest resolution pitch on the market, or can you move down to a slightly lower resolution to accomplish the same thing and potentially save thousands of dollars?
  • Think through content and playback before you purchase – This is often the most overlooked aspect of any LED video display build. Ultimately, your display is only as good as your input source. Having quality content and the right media server in place will help maximize your investment.
  • Pick a provider you trust and asks the right questions from the beginning – A great LED manufacturer with strong partnerships with integrators and designers can save you money in the long term. Whether through its warranty and service or presales engineering and support, a partner offering these features can catch a lot of things upfront that could end up costing you money later.

PixelFLEX Can Help

PixelFLEX® is an American-based LED manufacturer that offers creative solutions, reliable products, and dependable service for their industry-leading LED display technologies. PixelFLEX® delivers one-of-a-kind designs for your tour, event, or installation through their award-winning line of LED video walls and video screens. PixelFLEX® will work with you to identify your project goals and needs and create a display that meets your quality, timeline, and budget constraints. To find digital solutions on a smart budget, visit

While you are probably aware of the advantages of using digital signage, you may be wondering how much an LED video wall costs. Well, the answer requires some explanation and a look at several determining factors. There’s size, pixel pitch, quality of the LED components, and other features to consider. Let’s explore what impacts the price of an LED video wall.

Pricing LED Video Walls: Factors to Consider

LED video walls can be an impressive visual array for your space, engaging guests, customers, and staff, allowing your brand to communicate it’s message uniquely. But LED video walls are not a one-size-fits-all product, so several aspects can impact the price.

  • Display size: as you go bigger, your budget will most likely need to increase as well
  • Resolution: determined by the pitch of pixels in a display—the smaller the pitch, the clearer the image; for the top tier processors, you can expect to pay anywhere between $8K to $30K depending on the complexity of playback capabilities
  • Configuration: the more complex your video tile configuration, the more attention it will draw, but you can also expect to pay more, too
  • Mounting: to meet your configuration needs, you may need custom mounts, which are more expensive than standard mounts
  • Indoor vs. outdoor: where your video wall will be placed impacts the price—typically, outdoor displays require more ruggedized construction to withstand weather and other elements, so they tend to come at a higher price

Cost Is About More Than Screen Size

While a larger screen obviously entails more materials, meaning larger budgets, it’s not just about the size of a screen. You may find that screens similar in size and resolution have varying prices, which is directly linked to the source and attributes of the LEDs. While a higher density of pixels translates to better resolution, the higher the pixel pitch, the higher the price. Key elements such as viewing distance may affect the tightness of clusters necessary for your particular video wall—wider-spaced pixel clusters translate to fewer dollars. It comes down to the type of content you’ll be displaying and how it will be viewed.

Further, the quality and speed of the processing components will also account for a considerable chunk of your budget. And other aspects must be considered, including installation ease, features, and benefits that improve image performance, front and/or rear serviceability, energy efficiency, warranties, and a screen configuration that will not only aesthetically enhance the space, but accurately, engagingly represent your brand vision and message.

Finding the Right LED Video Wall: Meeting Your Design Needs and Your Budget

An LED video wall is an investment in your brand, allowing you to engage and inform your audience in visually stunning ways. The best way to determine exactly how much your video wall will cost is to consult with an LED solutions provider expert. The PixelFLEX®  team of knowledgeable staff will work with you to understand your goals and create a plan to meet brand objectives while keeping affordability top of mind. PixelFLEX also warrants their panels from edge to edge and pixel to pixel, providing investment peace of mind. Simply put, PixelFLEX® delivers customized solutions for every customer, ensuring you get exactly what you need at the price you expect.  

Learn more about the variety of LED video wall design options available from PixelFLEX by visiting their portfolio.