These codes represent some of the busiest airports in America, but they more so represent a massive opportunity. Commercial aviation has already started an industry-wide overhaul of static signage, but there are still key areas where the passenger experience could be improved through better digital signage.

Modern travelers consistently face three challenges that can diminish what would otherwise be a very pleasant experience: navigation, entertainment, and retail experiences. The words “You Are Here” hidden behind a cloudy pane of glass represent a very real failure of signage to help lead passengers to their destination. To make their time before or after a flight as pleasant as possible, travelers must be able to easily navigate engaging content and shopping experiences.

Finding your way around the airport consists of everything from signs on the highway that let drivers know which gate to enter, to touch kiosks that intelligently display terminal maps and public transit routes. Instead of scrambling to find static signs that may be hard to see, or in odd spots, airline travelers will easily be able to locate all important information.

One inherent benefit of this system is that it can be intelligently updated and linked. Traffic, curbside pickup, and even ticketing, can be made more efficient and flexible with bright digital signage. This allows airports to post gate announcements, creative welcomes, and advertisements.

Personalizing the experience of landing in Boston or Phoenix is a fun way to make a first impression. An LED wall, an image of  Boston’s Fenway Park, or a display of the Arizona desert helps immediately relax travelers, while also providing operators with an opportunity to present up-to-date information about exits and gates.

Architectural indoor entertainment LED displays are more than just eye catching. These features can entertain dozens of customers at a time, and may even prove to be navigational markers in themselves!

Los Angeles International Airport recently upgraded their Tom Bradley International terminal with a comprehensive multimedia overhaul. This project involved the creation of a multi-faceted modular storytelling experience that included welcome walls, a storyboard, destination board, and “time tower.” Time tower is a four-sided installation that is 72 feet tall and uses dynamic content software to project updates, alerts, and advertisements.

This approach is not only engaging, but it’s profitable. In addition to the cost of traveler inefficiency, digital signage maximizes the revenue of on-site retailers, concessions, or events. Some savvy airports are also integrating text message alerts and campaigns into their operations to capitalize on smart phones.

Great airport experiences are about making sure that customers are informed and engaged from the time they arrive until the time they depart. LED signs often last as long as a decade and have flexible programming options that can deliver on target content. If you are interested in learning more about how PixelFLEX can support your airport signage needs, visit us here.