Maximize Your LED Video Wall Budget: Tips to Get the Most In the Face of Rising Digital Display Prices


In the past five years, the market for high-resolution LED displays has grown exponentially on a wave of new pixel pitch technology. The rapid growth has provided businesses with an array of powerful display solutions, but the skyrocketing price has some concerned about how to develop a balanced budget that maximizes the value of their investment. There are a number of considerations to take into account when surveying the field, and though the market is producing cutting-edge technologies, the key to efficiency may be surprising.

Recently, competitors in the LED display market have focused on increasing resolution by focusing on reducing the fine pixel pitch, which measures the physical distance between two LED diodes, center to center. Less than a decade ago, 10mm to 20mm pitches were standard. But recent advances have put 3mm and less products in the spotlight, with a 15.8% CAGR predicted between 2014 and 2024.[1] Industry insiders say that this race to develop the finest possible LED display have pushed prices too high, as the R&D and man hours necessary to create the technology is simply too expensive for manufacturers. This both limits the growth of the market and creates an additional challenge for businesses looking to integrate an LED display into their approach.[2]

The key for businesses looking to maximize their investment is to look back by a year. Though instincts say that older technology is outdated and therefore not as good, the upgrades seen in fine pixel pitches have been incremental. Whereas 4mm pixel pitches were cutting-edge last year, this year they’re considered old news. Despite that, 4mm products are extremely high-resolution and using that technology means the same goals can be met with a much smarter, leaner budget.

Creating an immersive experience for customers is harder than ever, and though having a high-resolution display is essential, it’s far from the only consideration to be made. Putting up a digital display of any kind will create more engagement from viewers, with more than half (55%) not only recalling a digital screen they’d seen but remembering the exact message displayed.[3] Standing out from the crowd is absolutely key, and recent advances in LED have made thinking outside the box more than possible, but necessary. “Audiovisual designers can be more creative than they’ve really ever been able to be. They’ve been limited to rectangular boxes for such a long time,” David Venus of LED manufacturer Pixel Flex said.

When looking to balance a high-resolution with price, distance is your friend. The more natural distance between viewer and display, the less important it is to have a fine pixel pitch. Many locations, like university unions and property managers, are renting out ad space on their digital display to offset the cost of an initial investment, and though this solution isn’t ideal for every user, it’s a powerful way to regulate a budget.

Perhaps the most important element of investing in a current digital display is to seek out manufacturers who are creating standardized displays. When electronics are uniform across platforms, it’s easy to buy a lower-resolution version today and then simply upgrade later down the line when more powerful technology becomes affordable.

The future of digital displays is a thrilling one. As technologies grow more powerful and affordable, the A/V world will likely never be the same. To learn more about the exciting new technologies emerging and ways to find digital solutions on a smart budget, just visit:
